About CrisisComm LLC
When a crisis will occur is not predictable, but for every organization a crisis is inevitable. At some time, every organization will face the difficult challenge of dealing with a serious situation that impacts what it does, its reputation and, possibly, its very existence.
A crisis can take many forms. In general, a crisis is any occurrence that disrupts the normal operation of an organization. It can range in severity from a minor inconvenience to an event that becomes national news. It can be caused by a perception (what people think about your organization), a situation that your organization caused or from an outside circumstance.
Often, leaders of an organization become narrowly focused during a crisis and are caught in the “forest for the trees” syndrome. During a crisis, someone needs to look at the “forest” and see which path among the trees will guide the organization through the challenge, and not over a cliff. That's where CrisisComm LLC can help.
While every crisis is different based on the situation and on the organization, the basics of communications during a crisis are the same. Ensuring those basics are met, however, is not easy. Pre-crisis planning, including a formal crisis communications plan, is crucial for an organization. During a crisis is not the time to ask: “So, what should we do now?”
CrisisComm LLC will help before, during and after a crisis. The firm provides comprehensive communications planning, real-time advice, and after-action reviews. Training is also available in working with the media.
Dr. Peter M. Gigliotti, founder and CEO, has more than 42 years experience in communications, including nearly 14 years as a newspaper reporter, photographer and editor with the Gannett Company, a national media organization. He also has 28 years experience as chief communications and marketing officer for Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania during which he was involved in numerous crises, including several that became national and international news.
The firm also includes individuals nationally recognized for their skills and who can offer expertise in various areas related to both crisis communications and crisis management.
Dr. Gigliotti earned his bachelor of arts degree in journalism from St. Bonaventure (N.Y.) University in 1974. After graduation, he began a 14-year career in the media as a reporter for the Chambersburg, Pa., Public Opinion. He later served with newspapers in Tarentum, Pa., Zelienople, Pa., and Huntington, W.Va., in such posts as city editor and managing editor. He also served briefly as director of public information for the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs. He earned his master’s of science degree in communication studies from Shippensburg in 1995 and his doctorate in educational leadership in 2002 from Duquesne University.
Dr. Gigliotti served on numerous university committees, including President’s Cabinet, Emergency Response Team, University-Community Advisory Council, Commission on Human Understanding, and was chair of the Commencement Committee and the Integrated Marketing Committee. He has given numerous presentations to various organizations including crisis communications training to the Council of Presidents of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education, and presentations to the American Marketing Association, the College and University Public Relations Association of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Association of Councils of Trustees, and the International Educational Leadership Development Conference at Oxford University in England.
He is the author of numerous articles and his work has been published in various publications including the Campus Law Enforcement Journal. In addition, he has worked with law enforcement and emergency service agencies at the local, state and federal levels. Dr. Gigliotti also serves or has served on various civic and community organizations, including the Shippensburg Fire Advisory Board, Franklin County (PA) Public Safety Training Center Advisory Board, and as board chair of the Easter Seal Society of Franklin and Adams Counties.
For Dr. Gigliotti's Curriculum Vitae, please click here.
Dr. Peter M. Gigliotti has spent his more than 49-year professional career in communications, either as a newspaper reporter and editor, or in higher education communications and administration. As Executive Director for University Communications and Marketing at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, he was the university’s chief communications officer for 28 years. He founded CrisisComm LLC in 2016 after his retirement from the university.
The Bradford, Pa. native, joined Shippensburg in 1988 as director of news services and advertising. His position and title changed several times during his tenure at Shippensburg to reflect his changing and expanding responsibilities.
About Dr. Peter M. Gigliotti