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Pre-crisis planning

The best time to think about a crisis is before it happens. This planning allows the organization's leaders to discuss possible crises and to prepare to handle varied situations.


Every organization needs a crisis communications plan to ensure it will effectively and efficiently respond to any crisis, and to represent itself to internal and external constituencies.


This planning includes a comprehensive review of any existing crisis communication plans, preparation of turn-key plans based on the organization's specific needs, and media training, including mock media interview sessions.


Tabletop crisis exercises can be conducted to allow organizations to test both its general crisis plan and crisis communications plan.

During a crisis

During a crisis, CrisisComm LLC members will provide on-site or real-time assistance based on the crisis and the organization's needs.


Services include reviewing informational releases to internal and external constituencies, offering guidance as to how to respond to media inquiries, and providing senior leadership with an objective perspective on the crisis. 

All services are tailored to the organization so it can appropriately and effectively communicate its message. We also work with in-house communication offices as requested. 

We'll be there to answer your questions, guide you through responding, and help you through the challenge.

Post-crisis review

Once the crisis is over, and all crises do end eventually, it's crucial for an organization to have an after-action review to determine the strengths and weaknesses of its response.

Such reviews are a learning experience and provide the basis for dealing with future crises.


After-action reviews include detailed analysis of the agency's response and recommendations for communications in future crises. We'll show you what you did right, and show you where you can do better.

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